Inspiring dads, bonding men, serving others, ...and having fun!



Can I donate to the three sons club cause?

Absolutely! — Donate Here →

Can I join the club if I have less thaN three sons?

Sorry, you cannot. You need three sons. Start your own club. 

Can I join the club if I have more than three sons, if I have additional children (sons or daughters) in my family?

Yes, you may join the club because you’ve met the three son standard.

If I am over age 18 and do not have three sons, but I come from a three son family, can I join the club?

Yes, you and your brothers may join the club because you are one of us. You must show photographic proof in your application that you hail from a three son family. 

If my wife is pregnant with our third son but he is not born yet, can I join the club?

Yes, we accept son-hood at conception. You must include photographic proof (pregnant wife or sonogram) in your club application. 

Are there plans to translate Three Sons Club materials into other languages?

Though there’s been talk of Spanish, French, and Chinese translations of TSC content, for now we’ve decided to keep English as the common language of the club.